Do You Even Outsource?

Benedikt is busy with lots of little things and trying to sort out when to make time for investing in bigger projects with long-term benefits. Brian's thankful for his many blessings and thinking about how to reset his approach to building a business in 2021.

Back To Work

Brian is back from a week away from everything in the Grand Canyon. Benedikt is trying to increase momentum by shipping smaller, less polished, increments.

Halloween Candy for Sale

Brian's got some new client work lining up to ease some anxiety and Benedikt's schedule continues to be a bit hectic.

Pricing, Activation, Validation, and Outreach

Brian is working on (in)validating the idea for Brand Patrol and might be close to signing a consulting deal related to Headlamp. Benedikt is trying to stay focused and talks about upcoming pricing changes for Userlist. 

Busy weeks & Burnout

Benedikt had a stressful day when a code change accidentally sent 1000+ emails and Brian shares that he's feeling completely burned out.

Introducing Brand Patrol

Benedikt is back from vacation and already swamped with work. Brian share's some details about the new thing he's working on. 

Spend some time in a hammock!

Benedikt is out again this week, so Brian is joined by his good friend, startup partner, confidant, and sometimes co-conspirator, Richard Miller. They talk about Richard's current project, the origins of the idea, and the importance of laying in a hammock so people will think you're sleeping.

No, really. It's important.

"Does Headlamp have a market?" A convo with Justin Jackson

Benedikt is out, so Brian talks with Justin Jackson of Transistor about Headlamp's market, the risks and benefits of going upstream, and how the heck to pronounce "portage."

Vacation Starts Now!

Benedikt is trying to tie up a few things so his vacation can get started and Brian is settling into truly believing that "Slow & Steady" is the way to go.

Double Negative

Brian wants to get himself more margin by improving his consulting offering around remote work. Benedikt's deploy of a new feature didn't go quite as planned.