Packing, Packing, Packing

Brian and Benedikt started to pack up their homes. In addition to that, Brian is fighting literal bugs and Benedikt is building a Zapier integration.

Game changers

Benedikt is feeling excited about the feedback on Userlist's proposed marketing email functionality, and Brian has officially held a version of "Backpack" in his real-life hands!

Going full circle

Benedikt talks about launching the companies feature of Userlist as well as some database performance break-throughs. Brian is very happy about how his consulting business is turning out this year and is dabbling with some new productized service ideas. 

Moving is great! Moving is the worst.

Benedikt got some bummer news about his lease and Brian might have a prototype of Backpack in his hands sooner than he thought.

This will be a quick one… or maybe not

Brian and Benedikt catch up on their progress in the last week. Brian talks about his recent consulting project and play-testing Backpack. Benedikt just launched the new user and company profiles and is tackling some long standing performance issues. 

Timezones are the Worst

Brian shares about the latest round of revisions for Backpack and a customer sends the first ever marketing email via Userlist.

Building Products for Fun and Profit with John Nunemaker

John Nunemaker joins Brian and Benedikt to talk about his journey as a founder and the various product he's built, launched, sold, and reaqcuired over the years. 

Behind, Busy, and Behind

Benedikt is ripping out cords on Userlist profile pages and Brian has a couple of very large vehicles in his driveway.

Bricks, Games, and Profiles

Brian talks about his new consulting gig and the first blind playtest of Backpack. Benedikt shares the progress on Userlist features and marketing. 

Calming Down and Spinning Up

Benedikt finally has a calm and focused week. Brian's spinning a lot of plates, but things are looking good.