You're on mute

We're all three together again and Benedikt has a couple of exciting milestones to share about Userlist's financials! Brian is still getting early access interest for and Benedicte is anxious to get back to coding on POW.

Focused. Unfocused.

While Brian is struggling with his internet connection, Benedicte is thinking about productized offerings for Gatsby, and Benedikt is back from vacation.

Is Working With Friends a Good Idea?

While Benedikt is still on vacation, Benedicte wonders about the pros & cons of teaming up with a close friend, and Brian continues to roll out updates to

Back in the Saddle

Benedicte and Brian are back to talk about affiliates, guesting, and building an audience. Also! Backpack made it through the first stage of the boardgame design contest!

Talking shop with Daniel Alm

Benedikt is joined by Daniel Alm, founder of Timing, to talk about Daniel's recent learnings from his time tracking app for MacOS. They talk about coming up with new product features, marketing strategies and work-life-balance. 

Don't make everything a business

While Brian is exploring the streets of New York City, Benedicte and Benedikt talk about their weeks and how to take vacations as an entrepreneur.

Re-energizing by recording a podcast

Brian answers a listener question about Headlamp and shares some updates about Backpack. Benedikt deployed the new sign-up forms for the marketing feature and is thinking about hiring a developer. Benedicte talks about her recent launch of Gatsby Summer Functions and the learnings so far. 

🥳 100! 🥳

To celebrate the 100th episode of "Slow & Steady," we take some time to tell our backstories and reflect on the paths that brought us to where we are today.

Take the Duck Tour

Benedicte talks about the launch of her upcoming Gatsby Functions course. Benedikt is talking about the recent live streaming experiment. Brian is starting to enjoy the year on the road and is working on the JTBD app.

A Kitchen Would Be Nice

Brian manages to join for an entire episode and share some updates on the JTBD app. Benedikt deployed double opt-in and got a kitchen all in the same week! Unfortunately, Benedicte was unable to join this week, but we promise, one of these days we'll have all three co-hosts on for an entire episode :P